


  • Liability of certifying bodies in case of defects of a medical device


    The German Federal Court of Justice has submitted to the European Court of Justice a case concerning the liability of bodies certifying medical devices for breach of their duties of quality control (Directive 93/42/EEC of the Council of 14th June 1993, regarding the safety of products). The Advocate General, in his conclusions of 15th September in the case C-219/15, has stated the lia...

  • The deactivation of the certified e-mail address does not prevent the declaration of bankruptcy


    As provided for by art. 10 of the current (Italian) Bankruptcy Law, individual and collective entrepreneurs may still be declared bankrupt within a year of cancellation from the Business Register, if insolvency appears prior to cancellation or within the following year. A summons for verification of the requirements for bankruptcy is served on the entrepreneur via certified e-mail. ...

  • Contractors are liable for violation of regulations and procedures for accident prevention if they interfere with works


    Italian Health and Safety Law (Decreto Legislativo n. 81/2008) provides for the criminal liability of employers, directors, contractors and any person in charge with the supervision of works, in case of violation of regulations and procedures with regard to accident prevention. Jurisprudence had already stated that a contractor who subcontracts works to third parties does not automatica...

  • Non–executive directors may be held liable for damages suffered by the company


    Article 2392 of the Italian Civil Code provides that directors are held liable for damages suffered by their company, unless they do perform their duties with the diligence required by the nature of their office and by their own specific competence. Recently, the Court of Cassation has taken into account the issue of the liability of non-executive directors towards their company. The fi...

  • Towards the constitutional reform: lights and shadows


    The attention of politics and legal and economic operators is now addressed to the text of the constitutional law – published on the Official Gazette n. 88 of 15th April 2016 - whose final approval is subject to the outcome of a referendum. The reform aims at amending the second part of the Constitution, by eliminating the current bicameralism in which both Chambers boast equal powers, cutti...

  • Cass. Civ., Sez. I, 7.3.2016, n. 4455 (In tema di responsabilità della società beneficiaria della scioscione per i debiti assunti dalla società scissa)

    14/03/2016Commerciale EN

    Un società in accomandita semplice proponeva opposizione avverso la sentenza che ne dichiarava il fallimento. Il ricorso non veniva tuttavia accolto. I giudici del merito ritenevano, infatti, che la scissione operata medio tempore, con il trasferimento ad una società di nuova costituzione di una parte del patrimonio della ricorrente, non aveva liberato la società scissa dei debiti tras...

  • Cass. Civ., Sez. III, 8.3.2016, n. 4540 (In tema di risarcimento dei danni e responsabilità medica)

    14/03/2016Civile EN

    Con atto di citazione, dei coniugi convenivano in giudizio i medici e la struttura sanitaria ove gli stessi prestavano attività lavorativa per sentirli condannare in solido tra loro al risarcimento di tutti i danni patiti in conseguenza della negligente ed imperita assistenza medica, prestata durante la gravidanza. L'adito Tribunale, tuttavia, all’esito dell’espletata CTU medico-lega...

  • Cass. Civ., Sez. I, 7.3.2016, n. 4458 (In tema di liquidazione del compenso del liquidatore giudiziale, già commissario giudiziale)

    14/03/2016Fallimentare EN

    Una società chiedeva ed otteneva l'ammissione alla procedura di concordato preventivo con cessione dei beni. Il Tribunale adito omologava la proposta approvata dai creditori e, successivamente, su istanza del commissario giudiziale ne liquidava il relativo compenso. Il già commissario giudiziale veniva quindi nominato liquidatore giudiziale, come da contenuto della citata sente...




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